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Omnilux Sydney & Gosford

skin tone and texture

Omnilux light therapy is a treatment that helps activate your skin’s natural renewal system to help reverse the effects of ageing.

Omnilux combination therapy utilises light emitting diode (LED) technology, using both visible red LEDs and invisible infrared LEDs, to target specific cells which are responsible for the synthesis and repair of the skin’s supportive structures, leading to a softening of fine lines and improved skin tone.

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This treatment is suitable for both men and women of all ages and skin types.

A series of 6-10 treatments are necessary*, with each treatment session taking 20 minutes. Omnilux uses a very bright light, similar in experience to lying in direct sunlight on the beach, but without any heat or the harmful UV rays. Most people experience a feeling of relaxation and well-being during and after the treatment*, and you can return to work and normal activities immediately.

Omnilux Combination Light Therapy stimulates natural cellular processes that help rejuvenate and repair the skin. The results you see, such as softening of fine lines and an improvement in skin softness and smoothness, continue to improve over the 4 to 6 months following completion of the light treatment*.

Omnilux Combination Light Therapy can be used as a stand-alone treatment, as part of a package with other skin treatments such as BBL Broadband Light, Halo laser resurfacing or Ultraformer III skin tightening treatments to increase their effectiveness, or after surgery to increase the speed of healing.

*Note results may vary from person to person

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